Saturday, July 27, 2013

Vacation Tid Bits

Having just returned home from a cabin in the woods and on a lake, I have a few truths that may help to give the proper perspective when intending to have a break with kids.
  • Vacation is a misconception. The only vacating being done is by the house.  The entire possessions of one house are monotonously, and painstakingly relocated to another domain, usually smaller and less user friendly.
  • Sitting at the beach with kids does not allow for any actual sitting.
  • Preparing and cooking food in a foreign kitchen, while fun at first, takes more time, and a lot of ingenuity.
  • As much as we would like to think that vacation can be spontaneous and laid back, even an impromptu activity like taking a walk, with kids, takes so much planning and "gearing up" that it feels scheduled!
  • Doing the dishes is still a chore no matter what the view.
  • The bed? The best thing for creating a "claw somebodies eyes out" reaction to the idea of staying "just one more night", said in a pleading, whiny, kids, chipmunk voice.
  • You cannot pack enough underwear for potty training kids.
  • Truly, everyone vacationing with kids, NEEDS a vacation from their vacation.
'Nough said.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Saturdays have always been a symbol of freedom for me, so I am going to use Saturdays as a free day, a day to write a whole paragraph if I feel like it, or to share about anything, even if it doesn't have to do with parenting!  But I intend to still keep it short and simple.

Today, I just want to spill out the thrills of my week.  Simple to most, but major league in my world...

  • We found out that we get to borrow a cabin for our week of vacation next week at Rock Lake, a small lake in Michigan. (We were planning on having to have a "stay-cation" because of lack of funds.)
  • The youngest 5 and I got to swim at our neighbors 4ft. deep pool all week. (90 degree weather was threatening to keep us indoors.)
  • After window shopping on Craigslist for weeks, (knowing that we had $0) my astounding, glamorous, insanely generous sister and handsome, buff, debonair  brother-in-law, bestowed upon us two well-loved comfy chairs. (I am sitting in one right now!!) We have them in our bedroom, so now we can wake up slowly sipping coffee and reading almost without entering into the abyss of kids. Now we just need a Keurig machine!!
  • And to top it all off, my husband and I went on a date last night which was near perfect.  The only thing that would have made it a tad bit better, would have been if I would have put my fork down sooner.  But that would be as likely as ever knowing where my smart phone is.

Thirsty Thursday

Thursdays I am going to focus on quenching the thirst of a parched mom.  Lists, encouragement, ideas, and inspirations to fill up your soul.  For example, here are some of my favorite ways to rejuvenate...

  • Sit outside, ALONE, and read a book.  (The kids can watch a half hour show)
  • The $5 challenge- any store, best purchase wins. 
  • Walk with a girlfriend.
  • Movies- old favorites.  I love sharing my favorite movies with my kids.
  • Florida- a week alone, no kids, no husband, just me.  
Please feel free to comment and add to this list.  Anything goes as long as it exhilarates you!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Morphing the Blog

I am in the process of refining my idea of blogging. When I first began this blog, I needed it.  I was depressed, lost, and searching for any way to feel alive. Now, I am trying to simplify my life, focus my energy, and still remain sane.  Therefore, I am going to try to keep my posts simple.  Probably a lot of bullet points, some lists, and mostly quick tips relating to family life. If I start to babble....stop reading!! 

Vasectomy Schmasectomy!!!

So, here I am 4 years later, and another kid!  Here is the short version...

  • Husband has vasectomy after 4th girl, family physician unable to accomplish the task.
  • We more?
  • Boy number one...Jack.
  • Needs a playmate...boy number two, Jesse!
  • VASECTOMY redone!  By a specialist, tested and found to be sterile 3 months later.
  • December of 2009...I am pregnant with number 7, 4 months after husband was declared sterile...and yes, I was faithful.  
  • Welcome number 7...Libby.