Thursday, January 8, 2009


Yesterday was a very exciting day. We went to the dentist. I had all 4 girls checked, and there were no cavities!! Today I am going to try to rearrange my schedule and post my results. I am trying to work in the preschoolers and trying to make sure I am not on the computer all day. So, I am going to schedule 20 minutes 2 times a day to check email, blog, and twitter. We will see how that goes. I will have to share my discipline escapades from yesterday. Laci, the 4 year old, was up to her usual impy self. More on that after schooling is done.

1 comment:

  1. Only 20 minutes 2 times day? :-) I so need to reign myself in like that!! I'm thinking in a few months I'll have to though. With only one I get his whole nap time. :-)

    And yay for starting a blog!
